Coaching works! Drs Hans-Jaap Moes MSc.

"The highest skill a human being can acquire is learning
to understand, because to understand is freedom."
Baruch Spinoza 1650 AD

"The secret to change is to put all your energy
into achieving the new and not fighting the old."
Socrates 500 BC

Executive Coaching

Understand more about yourself and the world around you. Taking control of your life. In my coaching, we're exploring together your questions and your needs. I'll stimulate, challenge and confront you, to make you stronger and develop further, as an executive or as a team. Coaching is much more focused than (old-fashioned) training or education. As an experienced executive coach/consultant, we quickly reach the themes that are important and relevant to you. My coaching style is empathetic, honest, direct, provocative and relational. My experience and expertise is almost 40 years of study and practice as a coach, consultant and executive. I'm active as a coach since 1987. I am accredited as a Senior Practitioner with EMCC and have a UK Masters in Executive coaching from Ashridge Business School. In addition, I have several different accreditations and certifications, such as Management Drives, Saville Wave, Belbin, MBTI, DISC. Every coaching process starts with a free intake. Our coaching programs have different content and are tailored to your needs.

Process & Rates

You can call or register yourself, a colleague or a team via the button on this homepage for a free introductory meeting of one hour, f2f or online. During this meeting we analyze your needs and a suitable coaching process. In case of a positive acquaintance, we will make a proposal. If you agree with the proposal, you will receive a confirmation and an invoice for the route or part thereof. Depending on the number of conversations (6-10), extra services and, for example, tests, our coaching programs vary from €2,500 to €4,000 ex 21% VAT. Separate coach and consultant hours cost €250,- ex 21% VAT. Many individual executives, entrepreneurs and teams and entrepreneurs have preceded you, from startups, scale-ups to multinationals, private and public, in various industries, such as ICT, e-Commerce, Education, Justice, Software, High-tech.

EMCC Senior Practitioner

Hans-Jaap Moes is geaccrediteerd als “Senior Practitioner” coach door de internationale EMCC,

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